My experience with Too Good To Go
English content after Japanese
昨日初めてフードロス対策アプリ@TooGood To Goを使ってみました。
4€ =500円強でこれだけのものがはいっていました。かなりお得。
大きな社会問題を1消費者レベルに落とし込み、しかも誰もが簡単にアクセスでき、利益をもらいながら社会貢献できる@Too Good To Goはすごいと実感しました。
Yesterday I used the food loss prevention app @Too Good To Go for the first time.
For just 4€ , I got all this.
Most of the food has expiration dates of the purchase day or the next day of the purchase day but if you share what you get with your family, friends, and colleagues, you can use them all up rather easily.
For example, you share 8 Yogurts for lunch or a snack with your colleagues or with your friends should be fun !😄
This app will help to resolve the foodwaste problem in the world.
I found TooGoodToGo application is a great way to take a major social issue down to the consumer level, and make it easy for everyone to participate and contribute to a solution of a big social problem while receiving a profit even if you should think a bit how to use rapidly what you receive and you purchase without knowing the content of your purchased bag, yes it’s surprise !
The app is used in France, the U.S., and other countries.
I will use this app to contribute a bit in a very easy way to solve the food waste problem to keep our planet better. Highly recommended !
#toogoodtogo #foodwasteproblem