"Chanel Beauty: Successful reproduction of artificial skin with blemishes using a 3D printer" (English content after Japanese )
シャネルビューティがなんと、「3D バイオ プリンティング」=3Dプリンターと細胞培養技術を掛け合わせて、シミのついた人工皮膚を作り出すことに成功したらしいです。
高級化粧品メーカーは、常に 3D プリント分野のパイオニアだそうで、2018 年に 3D プリンターを応用し、リリースされたのがマスカラ ブラシ、ボリューム レボリューション。
このブラシも前代未聞のクリエーションで、大成功し、ヨーロッパで最も売れているメイクアップ製品のトップ 5 にランクインしました。
"Chanel Beauty: Successful reproduction of artificial skin with blemishes using a 3D printer"
I was really surprised, so I will upload it without waiting for tomorrow.
Chanel Beauty has succeeded in creating artificial skin with spots by combining "3D bioprinting" (= 3D printer )and cell culture technology.
This will be enable to advance the further research of the mechanism of appearance of blemishes and of course, it’ll be used to find solutions to resolve blemishes problems.
On the artificial skin, pigment spots (blemishes) gradually appear according to the time passed.
Of course, it’s the first innovation in thr world.
The high-end cosmetics maker has always been a pioneer in his 3D printing field, for example, in 2018, Channel has released a new mascara brush « volume revolution »using 3D printer technology, this brush was a huge success, ranking among the top 5 best-selling makeup products in Europe.
The technology change the world 🌎