フランスの絶対試したい名品 その1 黒トリュフ入りオリーブオイル French must have or taste produits part 1

 « organic oil with black truffle »
English content after Japanese one

French Must have or taste produits Part 1
 « Olive oil with black truffle »
 I will show you my favorite French goods little by little. 
 Today, the first one is my very favorite « Olive oil with at >1% finely chopped black truffles of South France »
 The olive oil is powerful and delicious organic spanish one, even without truffles, it’s really good.
 For this oil, using more than 1 % of black truffles of South France 🇫🇷, I think you can easily imagine what fantastic it is.
I guess that black truffles must be sinking to the bottom as it doesn't come out easily, 🫤but the oil itself has been already perfumed enough !
This oil change completely your ordinary salad or /and your ordinary pasta to a sophisticated dishes.
 It’s highly recommended to use it at the end of your cooking adding a bit over your salads, pasta, etc without heating.  
Of course it's also good to put it a bit on your bread !
#frenchgoods #organicoil #truffles

French Must have or taste produits Part 1
 « Olive oil with black truffle »
 I will show you my favorite French goods little by little. 
 Today, the first one is my very favorite « Olive oil with at >1% finely chopped black truffles of South France »
 The olive oil is powerful and delicious organic spanish one, even without truffles, it’s really good.
 For this oil, using more than 1 % of black truffles of South France 🇫🇷, I think you can easily imagine what fantastic it is.
I guess that black truffles must be sinking to the bottom as it doesn't come out easily, 🫤but the oil itself has been already perfumed enough !
This oil change completely your ordinary salad or /and your ordinary pasta to a sophisticated dishes.
 It’s highly recommended to use it at the end of your cooking adding a bit over your salads, pasta, etc without heating.  
Of course it's also good to put it a bit on your bread !
#frenchgoods #organicoil #truffles

きょうのフランス France Aujourd'jui

きょうのフランス。 フランスからの話題をお届けします。 政治、経済、環境、ワイン、食など。 私のフィルターを通して、面白いと思ったことをお伝えします。 ホームページはこちらをご覧ください。 https://grapelyon.wixsite.com/info


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