週末のジムの話題 week-end gym topic (English content after Japanese)

まず有酸素運動のelliptical bike を私は30分、息子は毎回1時間以上やって、ウォーミングアップ。
私はその後全身運動のrowing machineを10分(もっとやりたいけど、今もところそれ以上はムリ😅)
その間息子はずっとelliptical bike。

It's a weekend gym activity topic. 
 Since 3 weeks, I decided to spend a time for physical exercises at a gym.
Normally my son comes with me.
 First of all, we do some cardio exercises on elliptical bike, for me 30 minutes, and my son who loves this exercise does it for more than 1 hour each time.
 After that, I did a full-body rowing machine for 10 minutes (I want to do more, but I can't now😅 I will increase the exercise time gradually up to 1 hour.)
 In the meantime my son’s always pedaling on an elliptical bike, he really loves this 😆
 After that, we do various muscle training machines for about 30 minutes.
 It's refreshing.
Some Japanese female magazines say that it’s interesting to focus on arms training to refine them for ladies aged over 50 as the beautiful arms shape gives a impression that the whole body looks beautiful, ( really? ) so of course, I’ll focus on it !
It may be better to have some protein products ??
 #training #gym #weekendactivity #exercisestohavebeautifularms

きょうのフランス France Aujourd'jui

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