What I think… DX and pension reform (English content after Japanese.)
昨日の年金改革反対デモ動員数は74 万人。
Yesterday's demonstration against pension reform drew 740,000 people.
Although the number of young people increased, the overall number decreased.
Nevertheless, acts of violence and vandalism remain the same, and the police and military are mobilized to control such acts, so these people are having an immense amount of trouble to control, I think.
Watching the video of this firefighter who participated in this mouvement , I thought it was obvious that the senior officers should have more difficulty to carry out his duties which need physical and mental efforts than young officers.
So that it should be interesting to seek the possibility to develop internal DX reform which could improve the efficiency of their work if it hasn’t yet tried.
And also an another way of the internal reforms such as giving internal work to officers who have a difficulty to engage their ordinary work on the field should be considered.
I also believe that as DX progresses, the number of jobs that need to be done will decrease, ultimately reducing the volume of works and it result in a comfort to everyone.
I think that this is one aspect of what the government calls digitization, and I wonder if it is possible to make it easier for firefighters, police, and others who go into the field and engage in dangerous work to do their jobs by making better use of data and maintaining close communication while performing their duties.
If the number of people working for national security is to be reduced, it should be necessary to increase the efficiency of work execution through the efficient introduction of AI, etc., as it’s impossible to increase the volume of the work of each officier.
For this, the collaboration with outside experts to test various possibilities not only the internal reform trials will be interesting.
The engagement of external experts would have a possibility to clarify problems from a different point of view.
This is what I thought by reading what happen now in France concerning the pension reform.
Thank you
#frenchpensionreform #dx