« Social activity by volunteered employees of Danon, B corp certified and certified as a company with a mission »
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さすがB corp認定受けていて、ミッションを持つ企業認定も受けているダノン。
130人の従業員がレスト・デュ・クール(Resto du Cœur)の無料分配用食料品調達のために、スーパーでボランティア活動。
レスト・デュ・クール(Resto du Cœur)は、フランスの困窮者支援組織のひとつで、1985年にフランスのコメディアンであるコリュシュ(Coluche)によって設立されました。以来、貧困撲滅に取り組むフランスで最も大きな組織のひとつ。
レスト・デュ・クールは、ボランティアや一般からの寄付に大きく依存しており、年に一度、「Les Enfoirés」という募金キャンペーンを実施し、テレビやラジオで放送されるコンサートやイベントなどを通じて資金を集めるほか、スーパーに買い物客にも物品寄付をお願いする活動も行う。
B corp certified and certified as a company with a mission, a French Danon’s 130 employees volunteered at the supermarket to procure groceries for free distribution by Resto du Cœur (Resto du Cœur).
Resto du cœur, also known as Les Restaurants du Cœur, is a French association that provides food aid to people in need. The organization was founded in 1985 by the French comedian Coluche, and it has since become one of the largest associations in France dedicated to fighting poverty.
The Resto du cœur's main activity is the distribution of meals, which are offered free of charge to people in need. In addition to this, the organization also provides a range of other services, such as social and cultural activities, job training, and legal aid.
The Resto du cœur relies heavily on the support of volunteers and donations from the public. Each year, the organization runs a fundraising campaign called "Les Enfoirés," which features a series of concerts and other events that are broadcast on television and radio.
The Resto du cœur has also expanded its activities to other countries, with organizations now operating in Belgium, Spain, Germany, Italy, and Portugal. Overall, the Resto du cœur is a crucial organization in the fight against poverty and hunger in France, and its work has had a significant impact on the lives of many people.
#france #danon #bcorp #entrepriseamission