1 月 19 日の大型ストライキについて France: January 19 big strike against pension reform

フランス:年金改革に反対する 1 月 19 日の大型ストライキについて
フランス国有鉄道会社 (SNCF) とパリ自治交通局 (RATP) では大きな混乱が予想され、主要都市を結ぶTGVは3-4本に1本の運行。乗車予定前日の17時以降に予約したTGVが運行するかが以下のサイトからチェックできます。

France: January 19 big strike against pension reform
 A nationwide call for strikes is planned, especially on transport, education and energy.
 The French National Railway Company (SNCF) and the Paris Autonomous Transport Authority (RATP) are expected to have a big perturbation and the number of trains will be reduced : 1 in 3 or 4 TGV for exemple.
You can check from the following site from 17:00 of the day before of your trip whether your TGV will be operated.
 English edition
 In Lyon, where I live, an international food festival called SIRHA will be held from the 19th. I worried about a bit the impact of this national strike on the number of visitors because of the perturbation of public transportation in the city, but it seems OK.
TCL will go on strike only on the 19th.
If you’ll take TCL tomorrow, you have to finish your trip before 20:30 because the operation will be assured between 5h and 20h30.
 During the operation hours, the subways,buses and trams are almost normal, although there are some intervals.
 By the way, 80% of schools are on strike. Some classes will be closed, so there may be more people working from home tomorrow.
 Since power plants and oil refineries will also participate, it is reported that although the power supply will not stop, there is a risk that the amount of supply will be reduced.

きょうのフランス France Aujourd'jui

きょうのフランス。 フランスからの話題をお届けします。 政治、経済、環境、ワイン、食など。 私のフィルターを通して、面白いと思ったことをお伝えします。 ホームページはこちらをご覧ください。 https://grapelyon.wixsite.com/info


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