
Today’s news from France is Loewe's Recraft Project. It’s a Spanish famous brand, yes.
Sustainability is becoming an important concept for luxury consumers, many of whom are now looking to combine environmental friendliness with the longevity of their investments.
Loewe has been offering in-store maintenance and repair services for several years, and this month will open Loewe Recraft, a store specializing in cleaning and repairing leather goods in Osaka Japan.
 Loewe has opened a boutique specialized in maintenance and repair services in the « Green Age corner » of the Hankyu Umeda department store which has been renovated to introduce more environmentally friendly brands, products, and services.

きょうのフランス France Aujourd'jui

きょうのフランス。 フランスからの話題をお届けします。 政治、経済、環境、ワイン、食など。 私のフィルターを通して、面白いと思ったことをお伝えします。 ホームページはこちらをご覧ください。 https://grapelyon.wixsite.com/info


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