“Today’s startup” #Atypique

English content after Japanese 
100% フランス産のオーガニックかHVE ラベルの高品質な規格外果物と野菜、つまり味や品質には全く問題がないのに、大きさ、外見が規格に合わないために廃棄されていた野菜と果物をレストラン、惣菜店などのプロ向けに低価格で卸すことで食ロスを解決しようというスタートアップです。
Simon と Thibault との出会いから、プロジェクトはスタートアップ誕生へと進み、2021年3月、Atypique(いびつ)が誕生しました。
フランスでは収穫量の 11% が畑で直接廃棄されていて、その量約 130 万トン、20 億ユーロ相当と見積もられています。
Today's startup is #Atypique, a wholesale business that supplies professionals with substandard, undistributed fruits and vegetables in point of their appearances and their sizes, or excessive harvest.
Founded in March 2021.
A startup that aims to solve food loss by distributing 100% French organic or HVE labeled high quality off-spec fruits and vegetables for professional use, in another word, they try save fruits and vegetables that have no problem of taste or of quality but are discarded because they do not meet the standards for size and appearance by distributing to restaurants, delicatessens, and other professionals at a low price. 
This is a start-up company that aims to solve the problem of food loss.
The company was founded by Simon, young man who has an agriculture family in Ardèche, he’s observed since his early age the problem of discarding out-of-spec vegetables of his family.
After studying engineering and engagement for humanitarian projects, he wanted to start a project to solve the problem of food loss.
Then he met his future co founder Thibault.
Thibault has an entrepreneur father and always wanted to start an environmental and humanitarian project.
The duo of Simon and Thibault has started to work together for the project to create their startup in March 2021, #Atypique was born.
Three objectives of #Atypique 
Reduce food waste at the production site
increase the income of French producers
Provide high quality products at a prices that professionals can afford
In France, 11% of the harvest is discarded directly in the fields, at the production site. The volume is estimated at about 1.3 million tons, worth 2 billion euros.
They are professional wholesaler, but if you are interested, please visit their website 
#startup #Atypique #solutionforfooodloss

きょうのフランス France Aujourd'jui

きょうのフランス。 フランスからの話題をお届けします。 政治、経済、環境、ワイン、食など。 私のフィルターを通して、面白いと思ったことをお伝えします。 ホームページはこちらをご覧ください。 https://grapelyon.wixsite.com/info


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